Active Schools 2023/24

The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative which recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community, by awarding them with an Active School Flag.

This flag is renewed every three years.

Our active school committee has a pupil from each class from 2nd– 6th class. Children can contribute their ideas for improving activity in our school to their committee member. These ideas can be brought to our committee meetings. We will endeavour to help and support children with their ideas. We have an Active Schools notice board in our hallway.

Rathmichael is a very active school and we take part in many activities throughout the school year. We have participated in the ‘Dare to Believe, movement every day’ challenge. We loved the movement breaks with the Irish athletes. 6th Class also participated in the ‘Fit for life’ programme. 5th and 6th class participated in Marathon Kids, a fantastic initiative for senior classes. Classes regularly have movement breaks using Go Noodle, 10 at 10 etc.

We have many external teachers in to teach different sporting activities to our pupils. These include- GAA, cycle training, tag rugby, cricket, Irish dancing. Children attend swimming lessons in a local pool.

After school sports include hockey, football, tennis and multisport.

All strands of the PE curriculum are taught and teachers continue to focus on the fundamental movement skills.

We were delighted to receive a class set of skipping ropes from DLR Sports Partnership and some video links to teach children new skipping skills. Classes are starting to use the ropes and children have already improved their skipping skills.

Our Active School committee