School returned on Monday 30th August to our new normal! The staff and I are getting very used to our new guidelines and regulations. The pupils take everything in their stride and are just happy to be back in school. We are all very grateful for the lovely summer we have had and welcome the good weather on our return to school.
We hope to have swimming and occasional tours this year as we missed this last year. Choir and music will only be allowed in well ventilated rooms like our hall, but the children must be socially distanced.
Our after school games will continue with the children in their class bubbles.
In June the PTA organized a fun day for the whole school. This was Hawaiian themed and everyone really got into the spirit of things and there were colourful shirts, grass skirts, and lei garlands as far as the eye could see. It was a beautiful day and the children had a wonderful time limbo and hula dancing and eating hot dogs. There was a real festival atmosphere to the day. Thanks to the PTA Committee for all its hard work and creativity.
As part of World Oceans Day, 5th Class went to Shankill Beach to do a clean-up. They did an amazing job and plenty of rubbish bags were filled. It certainly gave the children an insight into how easily litter builds up and the potential damage it can do to the seas and sealife.
Mrs Crammond and 6th Class have put together a fantastic video full of memories, aspirations and prayers at the end of the year. This was kindly filmed by Paul Barron and the link will be sent to families before the end of term.
Our Talent Show, raised over €2,000 for Church Funds which is an amazing figure – thanks to everyone who contributed.
With the vaccinations we do feel a lot safer but protocols must remain in place to keep the whole school safe.
Many thanks to Revd Sean Hanily for his lovely ‘Back to School’ service on Sunday 29th August and indeed welcome to the new Hanily baby, Felicity. What a lovely start to the new school year!